Unique id:
Institute name:
Ip op number:
First name:
Last name:
Age at injury: --------- Infant (<1 year) Unknown 1 years 2 years 3 years 4 years 5 years 6 years 7 years 8 years 9 years 10 years 11 years 12 years 13 years 14 years 15 years 16 years 17 years 18 years 19 years 20 years 21 years 22 years 23 years 24 years 25 years 26 years 27 years 28 years 29 years 30 years 31 years 32 years 33 years 34 years 35 years 36 years 37 years 38 years 39 years 40 years 41 years 42 years 43 years 44 years 45 years 46 years 47 years 48 years 49 years 50 years 51 years 52 years 53 years 54 years 55 years 56 years 57 years 58 years 59 years 60 years 61 years 62 years 63 years 64 years 65 years 66 years 67 years 68 years 69 years 70 years 71 years 72 years 73 years 74 years 75 years 76 years 77 years 78 years 79 years 80 years 81 years 82 years 83 years 84 years 85 years 86 years 87 years 88 years 89 years 90 years 91 years 92 years 93 years 94 years 95 years 96 years 97 years 98 years 99 years 100 years 101 years 102 years 103 years 104 years 105 years 106 years 107 years 108 years 109 years 110 years 111 years 112 years 113 years 114 years 115 years 116 years 117 years 118 years 119 years 120 years
Gender: --------- Male Female
Address street village city:
Address pin code:
Address state:
Address country:
Contact number:
Informant: --------- Patient Himself Bystander
Mode of arrival: --------- Self Private Vehicle Ambulance/108 staff Police/Firefighters Rescuers Bystanders/Neighbours Relatives Others (Please specify)
Education: --------- Profession or Honours Graduate or Postgraduate Intermediate or post high school diploma High school certificate Middle school certificate Primary school certificate Illiterate
Occupational status: --------- Legislators, senior officials, and managers Professionals Technicians and associate professionals Clerks Skilled workers and shop and market sales workers Skilled agricultural and fishery workers Craft and related trade workers Plant and machine operators and assemblers Elementary occupation Unemployed
Income: --------- >20,482 10,241-20,481 7681-10,240 5120-7680 3072-5119 1034-3071 <1033
Marital status: --------- Married Never married Divorced
Loss of consciousness: --------- Yes No
Loss of consciousness duration: --------- Less than one minute Less than 30 minutes Less than an hour 1-24 hours 1-7 days More than 7 days
Vomiting: --------- Yes No
Nausea: --------- Yes No
Ear bleed: --------- Yes No
Nasal bleed: --------- Yes No
Oral bleed: --------- Yes No
Headache: --------- Yes No
Seizures: --------- Yes No
Rhinorrhea: --------- Yes No
Otorrhoea: --------- Yes No
Post traumatic amnesia: --------- Yes No
Lucid interval: --------- Yes No
Diabetes: --------- Yes No
Hypertension: --------- Yes No
Smoking: --------- Yes No
Tobacco smokeless: --------- Yes No
Illicit drug use: --------- Yes No
Anti platelet agents aspirin: --------- Yes No
Clopidogrel: --------- Yes No
Oral contraceptives: --------- Yes No
Sedatives: --------- Yes No
Anticonvulsants: --------- Yes No
Other history:
Post traumatic amnesia duration: --------- PTA less than 5 minutes PTA between 5-60 minutes PTA between 1-24 hours PTA between 1-7 days PTA greater than 7 days
Influence of alcohol: --------- Yes No
Breath analyser used: --------- Yes No
Blood alcohol levels done: --------- Yes No
Influence of drug: --------- Yes No
Blood levels done: --------- Yes No
Asa ps: --------- ASA-PS 1. A normal healthy patient ASA-PS 2. A patient with mild systemic disease ASA-PS 3. A patient with severe systemic disease ASA-PS 4. A patient with severe systemic disease that is a constant threat to life ASA-PS 5. A moribund patient who is not expected to survive without an operation ASA-PS 6. A declared brain-dead patient whose organs are being removed for donor purposes Unknown
Date of injury: --------- DD:MM:YYYY
Time of injury: --------- HH:MM (24 hours format)
Injury duration: --------- HH:MM (24 hours format)
History of major injury last 12 months: --------- Yes No If yes, please specify
Mass causality more than 10 persons: --------- Yes No If yes, please specify
Time elapsed from injury to hospital admission: --------- Delayed in ED Transfer from other hospital Distance to hospital from place of injury No transport facility Sought traditional treatment Other please specify
Reason for delay in admission: --------- Delayed in ED Transfer from other hospital Distance to hospital from place of injury No transport facility Sought traditional treatment Other please specify
Air bag: --------- Yes No
Seat belt: --------- Yes No
Driving license: --------- Yes No
Helmet use: --------- Yes No
Helmet fastening: --------- Yes No
Helmet make: --------- ISI Non-ISI
Cause of injury: --------- Road Traffic accident Ship accident Airplane crash Train accident Fall Assault Hanging Sports Fall of object Crush Others, please specify
Type of vehicle: --------- Bicycle Animal cart Four-wheeler car Four-wheeler bus Four-wheeler truck Motorized two-wheeler Three-wheeler
Vehicle crash pattern: --------- Vehicle skidded Hit a non-moving object Fall from vehicle Collision with animal/others
Incident victim: --------- Pillion rider Back seat passenger Driver Front seat passenger Pedestrian Others (please specify)
Dominant type of injury: --------- Abrasion Amputation Blast injury Blunt Bruise Burn Contusion Crush injury Cut Dislocation Drowning Fracture limbs Laceration Penetrating injury Sprain Others (please specify)
Mechanism of injury: --------- Animal related injury Bicycle Accident Electrocution Fall from bed Fall from Height/Building/Train/Bus Heavy substance falls on head Hit by Train Lightening Motor Vehicle Trauma: Ejected Motor Vehicle Trauma: not ejected Pedestrians Penetrating injury gunshot Penetrating injury stab Road traffic accident Self-fall/Self hit on wall or door Three-wheeler Two-wheeler Unknown
Pre hospital care: --------- Yes No
Resuscitation: --------- Yes No
Arrive from injury site: --------- Yes No
Protective equipment: --------- Immobility (spine boards/cervical collar) Any other please specify
Highest pre hospital care: --------- Level I. No Field Care Level II. Basic Life Support Level III. Advanced Life Support -No Physician Present Level IV. Advanced Life Support -Physician Field Care
Highest in hospital care: --------- Emergency Department General Ward Operation Theatre High Dependency Unit (HDU) Critical Care Unit (definition based on nurse-to-patient ratio)
Mortality: --------- Died at Scene Brought Dead Alive at admission
Date first key intervention:
Time first key intervention:
Pulse rate per minute:
Blood pressure systolic mmHg:
Blood pressure diastolic mmHg:
Temperature celsius:
Respiratory rate per minute:
Vision: --------- Normal Impaired Blind
Best eye response: --------- No eye opening Eye opening to pain Eye opening to verbal command Eyes open spontaneously
Best verbal response: --------- No verbal response Incomprehensible sounds Inappropriate words Confused Oriented
Best motor response: --------- No motor response Extension to pain Flexion to pain Withdrawal from pain Localizes to pain Obeys commands
Pupils right size:
Pupils left size:
Pupils right reaction: --------- Equal and reactive to light Equal but not reactive to light Unequal but reactive to light Unequal and not reactive to light
Pupils left reaction: --------- Equal and reactive to light Equal but not reactive to light Unequal but reactive to light Unequal and not reactive to light
Decorticate posturing: --------- Present Absent
Decerebrate posturing: --------- Present Absent
Ocuolocephalic reflex right: --------- Intact Abnormal
Ocuolocephalic reflex left: --------- Intact Abnormal
External bleeding: --------- Yes No
Body regions involved: --------- Abdomen Cervical spine Chest Face Head Lower limbs Lumbar spine Neck Pelvic cavity Pelvic girdle Thorax Thoracic spine Upper limbs Genitalia Others (please specify)
Life threatening injuries: --------- Airway Obstruction Tension pneumothorax Open pneumothorax Massive haemothorax Flail chest Cardiac tamponade Simple pneumohemothorax Aortic rupture Tracheobronchial rupture Pulmonary contusion Blunt cardiac injury Blunt splenic injury Diaphragmatic rupture Others (please specify)
Ais minor injury: --------- Minor injury Moderate injury Serious injury - not life-threatening Severe injury - life threatening, but survival probable Critical injury - survival uncertain Maximum injury - untreatable and virtually un-survivable
Ais moderate injury: --------- Minor injury Moderate injury Serious injury - not life-threatening Severe injury - life threatening, but survival probable Critical injury - survival uncertain Maximum injury - untreatable and virtually un-survivable
Ais serious injury: --------- Minor injury Moderate injury Serious injury - not life-threatening Severe injury - life threatening, but survival probable Critical injury - survival uncertain Maximum injury - untreatable and virtually un-survivable
Ais severe injury: --------- Minor injury Moderate injury Serious injury - not life-threatening Severe injury - life threatening, but survival probable Critical injury - survival uncertain Maximum injury - untreatable and virtually un-survivable
Ais critical injury: --------- Minor injury Moderate injury Serious injury - not life-threatening Severe injury - life threatening, but survival probable Critical injury - survival uncertain Maximum injury - untreatable and virtually un-survivable
Ais maximum injury: --------- Minor injury Moderate injury Serious injury - not life-threatening Severe injury - life threatening, but survival probable Critical injury - survival uncertain Maximum injury - untreatable and virtually un-survivable
Total leucocyte count:
Blood sugar random:
Blood sugar fasting:
Blood sugar pp:
Blood group: --------- A+ A- B+ B- AB+ AB- O+ O-
Arterial base excess:
Urine pregnancy test: --------- Positive Negative
Prothrombin time:
Troponin c:
Date of ecg:
Time of ecg:
Ecg 12 leads: --------- Yes No
Ecg results: --------- Normal Abnormal
Rhythm: --------- Normal sinus Sinus arrhythmia Atrial fibrillation Atrial flutter Premature ventricular contraction Other arrhythmias
Conduction: --------- Normal LBBB RBBB AV block Others (please specify)
Qrs st complex: --------- Normal Non-specific ST changes Old MI Myocardial ischemia Acute myocardial infarction Others (please specify)
Qt interval:
Ecg impression:
Echocardiography: --------- Yes No
Ejection fraction:
Regional wall motion abnormality: --------- 0 = None 1+ = Hypokinesis 2+ = Severe hypokinesis 3+ = Akinesis 4+ = Dyskinesis
Date of ct:
Time of ct:
Contrast: --------- Yes No
Extradural hemorrhage: --------- Yes No
Acute subdural hemorrhage: --------- Yes No
Chronic subdural hemorrhage: --------- Yes No
Intracerebral hemorrhage: --------- Yes No
Cerebral contusion: --------- Yes No
Subarachnoid haemorrhage: --------- Yes No
Intraventricular hemorrhage: --------- Yes No
Skull fracture: --------- Yes No
Extradural hemorrhage location: --------- Frontal Temporal Parietal Occipital Posterior fossa Basal ganglion Thalamus Cerebellum Brain stem
Acute subdural hemorrhage location: --------- Frontal Temporal Parietal Occipital Posterior fossa Basal ganglion Thalamus Cerebellum Brain stem
Chronic subdural hemorrhage location: --------- Frontal Temporal Parietal Occipital Posterior fossa Basal ganglion Thalamus Cerebellum Brain stem
Intracerebral hemorrhage location: --------- Frontal Temporal Parietal Occipital Posterior fossa Basal ganglion Thalamus Cerebellum Brain stem
Cerebral contusion location: --------- Frontal Temporal Parietal Occipital Posterior fossa Basal ganglion Thalamus Cerebellum Brain stem
Extradural hemorrhage side: --------- Right Left Bilateral
Acute subdural hemorrhage side: --------- Right Left Bilateral
Chronic subdural hemorrhage side: --------- Right Left Bilateral
Intracerebral hemorrhage side: --------- Right Left Bilateral
Cerebral contusion side: --------- Right Left Bilateral
Subarachnoid hemorrhage side: --------- Right Left Bilateral
Asdh volume ml:
Edh volume ml:
Ich volume ml:
Asdh shape: --------- Normal Abnormal
Edh shape: --------- Normal Abnormal
Ich shape: --------- Normal Abnormal
Skull fracture type: --------- Closed Compound Depressed Linear
Skull fracture location: --------- Frontal Temporal Parietal Occipital Posterior fossa
Subarachnoid hemorrhage location: --------- Basal Cortical Tentorial
Mass effect pressure: --------- Yes No
Hydrocephalus: --------- Yes No
Parenchymal lesions small shearing: --------- Yes No
Third ventricular compression: --------- Yes No
Contralateral ventricle dilated: --------- Yes No
Any herniation: --------- Yes No
Cerebral ischemia: --------- Yes No
Penetrating missile tract: --------- Yes No
Air sinus involved: --------- Yes No
Intracranial air: --------- Yes No
Midline shift: --------- Yes No
Obliteration of third ventricle: --------- Yes No
Petechial hemorrhages: --------- Yes No
Midline shift mm:
Basal cisterns: --------- Normal Compressed Absent
Ct classification category: --------- Diffuse Injury-I Diffuse Injury-II Diffuse Injury-III Diffuse Injury-IV Evacuated Mass Lesion Non-evacuated Mass Lesion
Fischers grade: --------- I. No blood detected II. Diffuse thin (<1 mm) SAH with no clots. III. Localized clots and/or layers of blood >1 mm in thickness IV. Intracerebral or intraventricular blood (+/- SAH)
Efast: --------- Normal Abnormal If abnormal findings
Chest x ray: --------- Normal Abnormal If abnormal findings
Cervical spine x ray: --------- Normal Abnormal If abnormal findings
Dorsal spine x ray: --------- Normal Abnormal If abnormal findings
Lumbar spine x ray: --------- Normal Abnormal If abnormal findings
Pelvis x ray: --------- Normal Abnormal If abnormal findings
Long bone x rays: --------- Normal Abnormal If abnormal findings
Ct cervical spine: --------- Normal Abnormal If abnormal findings
Ct chest: --------- Normal Abnormal If abnormal findings
Ct abdomen: --------- Normal Abnormal If abnormal findings
Ct pelvis: --------- Normal Abnormal If abnormal findings
Mri brain: --------- Normal Abnormal If abnormal findings
Mri spine: --------- Normal Abnormal If abnormal findings
Dsa: --------- Normal Abnormal If abnormal findings
Arrival time er:
Left time er:
Time to er:
Time in er:
Date of admission:
Time of admission:
Date of discharge:
Hospital stay:
Attempt to control bleeding: --------- Yes No
Method used to control bleeding: --------- Direct pressure Tourniquet Any Other
Basic life support given: --------- Yes No
Brought dead: --------- Yes No
Pre hospital cardiac arrest: --------- Yes No
Prehospital airway management: --------- Yes No
Fluids at scene or on way to hospital: --------- Yes No
Activation of trauma team: --------- Yes No
Airway: --------- Clear Obstructed Adjunctive airway Intubated
Breathing: --------- Spontaneous, adequate Spontaneous, insufficient Manual support with bag, valve, mask Mechanical ventilation
Circulation: --------- No specific treatment IV fluids Crystalloids Hypertonic saline Colloids Blood Vasopressors CPR
Airway management: --------- No specific treatment Supplemental oxygen via nasal tube or mask Adjunctive airway Temporary support with bag, valve, mask (for example ambubag) Intubation Mechanical ventilation
Discharge destination from er: --------- Admitted Ward Admitted ICU OT LAMA Dead Discharged Others
Disposition from emergency: --------- Trauma surgery Medicine Orthopaedics Neurology Neurosurgery Burn ENT Ophthalmology Paediatrics Paediatric surgery Cardiology Anaesthesia Plastic surgery Others
Bed rest: --------- Yes No
Blood transfusion: --------- Yes No
Central line: --------- Yes No
Cervical collar: --------- Yes No
Cervical traction: --------- Yes No
Chest tube: --------- Yes No
Colloid: --------- Yes No
Crystalloid: --------- Yes No
Hyperventilation therapy: --------- Yes No
Hypothermia therapy: --------- Yes No
Intubation: --------- Yes No
Mannitol: --------- Yes No
Nasogastric tube: --------- Yes No
Nutrition replacement: --------- Yes No
Seizure prophylaxis: --------- Yes No
Steroids: --------- Yes No
Tetanus toxoid: --------- Yes No
Urinary catheter: --------- Yes No
Ventilation: --------- Yes No
Total days on ventilator:
Date of surgery:
Icp monitoring: --------- Yes No
Intracranial surgery: --------- Yes No
Extracranial surgery: --------- Yes No
Any re surgery: --------- Yes No
Cra surg int acute sdh: --------- Yes No
Cra surg int contusion: --------- Yes No
Cra surg int craniofacial surgery: --------- Yes No
Cra surg int csf shunt: --------- Yes No
Cra surg int chronic sdh: --------- Yes No
Cra surg int decompressive craniectomy: --------- Yes No
Cra surg int depressed skull fracture: --------- Yes No
Cra surg int epidural hematoma: --------- Yes No
Cra surg int intracerebral hematoma: --------- Yes No
Cra surg int infection: --------- Yes No
Cra surg int optic nerve decompression: --------- Yes No
Cra surg int posterior fossa surgery: --------- Yes No
Cra surg int external ventricular drainage: --------- Yes No
Cra surg int wound debridement: --------- Yes No
Cra surg int foreign body removal: --------- Yes No
Cra surg int bone flap replacement: --------- Yes No
Cra surg int cranioplasty: --------- Yes No
Cra surg int others specify: --------- Yes No
Extracra surg int maxillofacial intervention: --------- Yes No
Extracra surg int lower limb fracture internal fixation: --------- Yes No
Extracra surg int lower limb fracture external fixation: --------- Yes No
Extracra surg int upper limb fracture internal fixation: --------- Yes No
Extracra surg int upper limb fracture external fixation: --------- Yes No
Extracra surg int laparotomy: --------- Yes No
Extracra surg int pelvic fracture internal fixation: --------- Yes No
Extracra surg int pelvic fracture external fixation: --------- Yes No
Extracra surg int spinal stabilization cervical: --------- Yes No
Extracra surg int spinal stabilization thoracic: --------- Yes No
Extracra surg int spinal stabilization lumbar: --------- Yes No
Extracra surg int thoracotomy: --------- Yes No
Extracra surg int tracheostomy in er: --------- Yes No
Extracra surg int tracheostomy in icu: --------- Yes No
Extracra surg int hypotension episode: --------- Yes No
Extracra surg int hypoxia episode: --------- Yes No
Extracra surg int infections: --------- Yes No
Extracra surg int deep vein thrombosis: --------- Yes No
Extracra surg int other organ damage secondary brain injury: --------- Yes No
Extracra surg int others specify: --------- Yes No
S02.0 Fracture of vault of skull: --------- Yes No
S02.1 Fracture of base of skull: --------- Yes No
S02.3 Fracture of the orbital floor: --------- Yes No
S02.7 Multiple fractures involving skull and facial bones: --------- Yes No
S02.8 Fractures of Others skull and facial bones: --------- Yes No
S02.9 Fracture of skull and facial bones, part unspecified: --------- Yes No
S06.0 Concussion: --------- Yes No
S06.1 Traumatic cerebral edema: --------- Yes No
S06.2 Diffuse brain injury: --------- Yes No
S06.3 Focal brain injury: --------- Yes No
S06.4 Epidural hemorrhage: --------- Yes No
S06.5 Traumatic subdural hemorrhage: --------- Yes No
S06.6 Traumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage: --------- Yes No
S06.7 Intracranial injury with prolonged coma: --------- Yes No
S06.8 Others intracranial injuries: --------- Yes No
S06.9 Intracranial injury, unspecified: --------- Yes No
S07.1 Crushing injury of skull: --------- Yes No
Others (Please specify): --------- Yes No
Survival status: --------- Dead Alive
Discharge destination: --------- Admitted Ward Admitted ICU OT LAMA Dead Discharged Others
Disability rating scale at discharge:
Disability rating scale at three months:
Disability rating scale at six months:
A. Eye opening: --------- Spontaneous To Speech To Pain None
B. Communication ability: --------- Oriented Confused Inappropriate Incomprehensible None
C. Motor response: --------- Obeying Localizing Withdrawing Flexing Extending None
D. Feeding (Cognitive ability only): --------- Complete Partial Minimal None
E. Toileting (Cognitive ability only): --------- Complete Partial Minimal None
F. Grooming (Cognitive ability only): --------- Complete Partial Minimal None
G. Level of functioning (Physical, mental, emotional, or social function): --------- Completely Independent Independent in special environment Mildly Dependent-Limited assistance (non-residential helper) Moderately Dependent-moderate assist (person in home) Dependent-assist all major activities, all times Totally dependent-24-hour nursing care
H. 'Employability' (As a full-time worker, homemaker, or student): --------- Not Restricted Selected jobs, competitive Sheltered workshop, Non-competitive Not Employable